Johnny Mercer Musicals
Artist Profile
Full Name: John Herndon Mercer
Born: November 18, 1909
Died: June 25, 1976
Musicals by Johnny Mercer
The following musicals are listed chronologically, from earliest to most recent.
Music: Harold Arlen Lyrics: Johnny Mercer Book: Arna Bontemps, Countee Cullen
Musical Type: Golden Age (1946)
Music: Robert Emmett Dolan Lyrics: Johnny Mercer Book: John Whedon, Sam Moore
Musical Type: Golden Age (1949)
Music/Lyrics: Johnny Mercer Book: Hy Kraft
Musical Type: Golden Age (1951)
Music: Gene de Paul Lyrics: Johnny Mercer Book: Norman Panama, Melvin Frank
Musical Type: Golden Age (1956)
Music: Harold Arlen Lyrics: Johnny Mercer Book: Morton DaCosta
Musical Type: Golden Age (1959)
Music: Harry Warren Lyrics: Al Dubin, Johnny Mercer Book: Michael Stewart, Mark Bramble
Musical Type: 1933 Film/Pre-Contemporary Musical (1980)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Music/Lyrics: Gene de Paul, Al Kasha, Joel Hirschhorn Lyrics: Johnny Mercer Book: Lawrence Kasha, David Landay
Musical Type: 1954 Film/Pre-Contemporary Musical (1982)
Archived Johnny Mercer Musicals
The following musicals are in Theatre Trip’s archive due to the lack of an accessible cast album.
1940: Walk with Music
1964: Foxy
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