The Addams Family: Musical Info & Synopsis


The Addams Family revolves around the eccentric Addams family, who face a peculiar challenge when their daughter, Wednesday, falls in love with a seemingly normal young man named Lucas Beineke from a ‘respectable’ family. As the two families come together for a dinner, the clash of their contrasting lifestyles leads to a series of unexpected twists. But even amidst the chaos, the Addams family comes to discover the true meaning of love and acceptance.

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Musical Information

Musical Type: Contemporary (2009)

Cast Size: 20+

Genre: Comedy

Setting: USA (NYC)

Creative Team

Music/Lyrics: Andrew Lippa

Book: Marshall Brickman, Rick Elice

Cast Albums

Original Broadway Cast (2010)➝


Audition Songs: Theatre Trip

Licensing: Theatrical Rights➝

Sheet Music: Amazon➝


2000s, Child Role, ComedicFamilyPopular, Spooky

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