Andrew Lippa Musicals

Artist Profile

Full Name: Andrew Lippa

Born: December 22, 1964

Musicals by Andrew Lippa

The following musicals are listed chronologically, from earliest to most recent.

You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown

Music/Lyrics/Book: Clark Gesner  Additional Songs: Andrew Lippa

Musical Type: Post-Golden Age (1967)

John & Jen

Music/Book: Andrew Lippa  Lyrics/Book: Tommy Greenwald

Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1995)

The Wild Party

Music/Lyrics/Book: Andrew Lippa

Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1997)

A Little Princess

Music: Andrew Lippa  Lyrics/Book: Brian Crawley

Musical Type: Contemporary (2004)

The Addams Family

Music/Lyrics: Andrew Lippa  Book: Marshall Brickman, Rick Elice

Musical Type: Contemporary (2009)

Big Fish

Music/Lyrics: Andrew Lippa  Book: John August

Musical Type: Contemporary (2013)

The Man in the Ceiling

Music/Lyrics: Andrew Lippa  Book: Jules Feiffer

Musical Type: Contemporary (2017)

Archived Andrew Lippa Musicals

The following musicals are in Theatre Trip’s archive due to the lack of an accessible cast album.

2006: Asphalt Beach

2007: Jerry Christmas

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