Thespian Lifestyle

Thespian Lifestyle

10 Must-Read Plays Written By Women

People outside of the patriarchy are definitely writing plays. But the systemic ostracization of women storytellers, directors and administrators has blocked access to important work. However, playgoers, teachers, and readers of blogs can sway this trend! When we highlight the need for artists who have been relegated to the sidelines, we begin an age of artistic expression and expansion that will impact our cultural lives far into the future. This is, by no means, a definitive list, but it’s a start!

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Thespian Lifestyle

Monologues About Love – From Published Plays

Finding the perfect monologue can be a challenging task! But that’s exactly why we’re going to be offering a new series of blog posts in which we group together some of the greatest monologues from published plays. None of the monologues that we select are self-written or stand-alone pieces. These are all legitimate options that can be used when auditioning for your next show. And to kick things off, we’re going to start with some amazing monologues about love!

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Thespian Lifestyle

17 Ways to Stay Productive Between Shows

So you’ve just closed a show and are now in that awkward in-between phase. You might be going through a range of emotions like boredom, relief, confusion, anxiousness, and sometimes even post-show depression. But just because you aren’t actively working on a show doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to grow and improve. In fact, these down times are actually necessary for moving forward. So here are 17 great ways that you can stay productive between shows!

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Thespian Lifestyle

10 Easy Musical Theatre Halloween Costumes

Picking out the perfect musical theatre Halloween costume can be a super fun project. But unfortunately, not all of your favorite musical characters have ready-made costumes to match. Because of this, we have put together a list of amazing costumes that you can easily recreate! The best part? You can even wear many of these individual pieces again, even after Halloween is over! And you may even have a few of these pieces in your closet already!

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