The Theory of Relativity: Musical Info & Synopsis


The Theory of Relativity explores the interconnectedness of individuals and the shared experiences that bind us all together. The show presents a series of seemingly unrelated stories and characters, each grappling with their own hopes, dreams, and challenges. As the narrative unfolds, the characters’ lives intersect, illustrating the ways in which we are all connected through the universal themes of love, loss, and the pursuit of understanding.

Musical Information

Musical Type: Contemporary (2014)

Cast Size: 8, 13, or 16

Genre: Song Cycle

Setting: 2010s / Various

Creative Team

Music/Lyrics: Neil Bartram

Book: Brian Hill

Cast Albums

Original Cast (2016)➝


Audition Songs: Theatre Trip

Licensing: Music Theatre International➝


2010s, CanadianCollegeOne-ActSong Cycle

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