The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Musical Info & Synopsis
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty follows Walter Mitty, a man who escapes his day-to-day life through vivid daydreams where he envisions himself as a hero, adventurer, and romantic figure. The story unfolds as Walter embarks on a journey of self-discovery, discovering the courage to turn his daydreams into reality. As he encounters various characters and scenarios, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty explores themes of courage, identity, and the power of imagination.
Musical Information
Musical Type: Post-Golden Age (1964)
Cast Size: 15+
Genre: Fantasy
Setting: 1960s / USA (Connecticut)
Creative Team
Music: Leon Carr
Lyrics: Earl Shuman
Book: Joe Manchester
Cast Albums
Original Off-Broadway Cast (1964)➝
Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝
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