Starlight Express: Musical Info & Synopsis
Starlight Express revolves around a young and ambitious steam engine named Rusty, who dreams of winning the championship race against his competitors: the electric train, Electra, and the powerful diesel locomotive, Greaseball. As Rusty trains tirelessly with the help of his mentor, Poppa, he falls in love with Pearl, the beautiful observation car. Starlight Express is a tale of determination, love, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.
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Musical Information
Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1984)
Cast Size: 25+
Genre: Fantasy
Setting: Fictional
Creative Team
Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber, Alistair Lloyd Webber
Lyrics: Richard Stilgoe, David Yazbek, Nick Coler
Cast Albums
Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝
Sheet Music: Amazon➝
1980s, Avant-Garde, British, Country, Fantasy, Gospel, Mega Musical, Pop/Rock, Rap, Sung-Through
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