Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure – Info & Synopsis
Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure begins in the nursery of the Darling family, where Wendy, John, and Michael await bedtime stories from their mother. However, with the arrival of Peter Pan and his fairy companion Tinker Bell, they are unexpectedly whisked away to Neverland, where pirates, lost boys, and mermaids await. Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure touches on themes of adventure, confronting one’s fears, and the true meaning of friendship and family.
Musical Information
Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1997)
Cast Size: 25+
Genre: Fantasy
Setting: England (London), Fictional
Creative Team
Music: George Stiles
Lyrics: Anthony Drewe
Book: Willis Hall
Cast Albums
Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝
1990s, Animals, British, Child Roles, Family-Friendly, Fantasy, Magic, Narrators, Large Cast, Pirates
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