Legs Diamond: Musical Info & Synopsis
Legs Diamond tells the true story of the charming, yet notorious gangster known as “Legs Diamond”, who is looking to break into show business. As he rises to power and navigates his world, Jack faces threats from rival gangsters and law enforcement alike. With a mix of glamour, danger, and intrigue, Legs Diamond offers audiences a glimpse into the Prohibition era.
Musical Information
Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1988)
Cast Size: 20+
Genre: Semi-Biography
Setting: 1920s / USA (Pennsylvania, NYC)
Creative Team
Music/Lyrics: Peter Allen
Book: Harvey Fierstein, Charles Suppon
Cast Albums
Original Broadway Cast (1989)➝
Licensing: David Spicer Productions➝
1980s, Based on a Movie, Biographical, Christmas, Obscure
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