The Rocky Horror Show: Musical Info & Synopsis


The Rocky Horror Show follows the misadventures of a newly engaged couple, Brad and Janet. When their car breaks down on a stormy night, they seek refuge in the castle of the eccentric Dr. Frank-N-Furter. As the night unfolds, they’re introduced to the seductive Magenta, the butler Riff Raff, and the eclectic Transylvanians. With a mix of horror and humor, The Rocky Horror Show embraces the unconventional, celebrates self-expression, and invites audience participation.

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Musical Information

Parental Warning: Adult Themes/Content

Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1973)

Cast Size: 10+

Genre: Comedy / Horror / Spoof

Setting: Fictional

Creative Team

Music/Lyrics/Book: Richard O’Brien

Cast Albums

Original London Cast (1973)➝

Original Roxy Cast (1974)➝

Studio Cast (1995)➝

Broadway Cast (2001)➝


Audition Songs: Theatre Trip

Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝

Sheet Music: Amazon➝


1970s, Avant-Garde, BritishComedic, Edgy, Fantasy, Futuristic, Horror, Interactive, LGBTQ+, Narrator, Original, Popular, Rock, Solo Composer, Spoof, Spooky

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