The Pajama Game: Musical Info & Synopsis


The Pajama Game unfolds in the Sleep-Tite Pajama Factory, where labor disputes and love affairs take center stage. The story revolves around Babe Williams, a union representative, and Sid Sorokin, the new factory superintendent. As tension rises between management and workers over a 7.5-cent pay raise, romantic sparks fly between Babe and Sid. The Pajama Game explores themes of love, labor, and the struggle for fair treatment in the workplace.

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Musical Information

Musical Type: Golden Age (1954)

Cast Size: 15+

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Setting: 1950s / USA (Iowa)

Creative Team

Music/Lyrics: Richard Adler, Jerry Ross

Book: George Abbott, Richard Bissell

Cast Albums

Original Broadway Cast (1954)➝

Studio Cast (1996)➝


Audition Songs: Theatre Trip

Licensing: Music Theatre International➝

Sheet Music: Amazon➝


1950s, Based on a Book, Golden Age, Rom-ComTony Award

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