The Lion King: Musical Info & Synopsis


The Lion King follows the journey of Simba, a young lion prince, as he navigates the challenges of growing up and embracing his destiny as the future king. After facing tragedy and exile, Simba learns valuable life lessons from his wise mentor Rafiki and his loyal friends Timon and Pumbaa. But he must also confront his uncle Scar, who has sinister plans to rule the Pride Lands. The Lion King touches on themes of courage, identity, and the “circle of life”.

Musical Information

Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1997)

Cast Size: 20+

Genre: Dramedy

Setting: Africa

Creative Team

Music: Elton John

Lyrics: Tim Rice

Book: Rodger Allers, Irene Mecchi

Cast Albums

Broadway Cast (1997)➝


Audition Songs: Theatre Trip

Licensing: Music Theatre International➝

Sheet Music: Amazon➝


1990s, Animals, Based on a Movie, Child Roles, DisneyFamily, Family-Friendly, Mega MusicalPopularRoyaltyTony Award

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