Black Friday: Musical Info & Synopsis


Black Friday unfolds in the small Midwestern town of Hatchetfield, as the hottest holiday toy, the Tickle-Me Wiggly, turns the once peaceful town into a chaotic frenzy. As Tom, Lex, and Becky find themselves in a battle against crazed shoppers and an otherworldly being, Black Friday offers a blend of horror, comedy, and unexpected spooky encounters.

Musical Information

Parental Warning: Adult Themes/Content

Musical Type: Contemporary (2019)

Cast Size: 13

Genre: Comedy / Horror

Setting: Present / USA

Creative Team

Music/Lyrics: Jeff Blim

Book: Matt Lang, Nick Lang

Cast Albums

Original Cast (2020)➝


2010s, Christmas, Comedic, Horror, Pop/Rock, Spooky

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