A Christmas Story: Musical Info & Synopsis
A Christmas Story revolves around young Ralphie Parker, a boy with a fervent Christmas wish. Despite resistance from his family, Ralphie is determined to make his dream come true. As the story unfolds, we follow Ralphie through various misadventures. All the while, Ralphie’s family navigates the holiday season with humor and love. A Christmas Story captures the essence of childhood wonder and the importance of family during the most magical time of the year.
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Musical Information
Musical Type: Contemporary (2009)
Cast Size: 25+
Genre: Dramedy
Setting: 1940s / USA (Indiana)
Creative Team
Music/Lyrics: Benj Pasek, Justin Paul
Book: Joseph Robinette
Cast Albums
World Premiere Recording (2012)➝
Audition Songs: Theatre Trip
Licensing: Dramatic Publishing➝
Sheet Music: Amazon➝
2000s, Based on a Movie, Child Roles, Christmas, Family, Family-Friendly, Large Cast
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