21 Chump Street: Musical Info & Synopsis
21 Chump Street is a short musical based on a true story about a high school student named Justin who falls for a new student named Naomi. Determined to win her over, Justin becomes entangled in a risky situation in an attempt to impress her. However, he soon discovers that Naomi is an undercover police officer, and he is caught in the web of his own deceit. 21 Chump Street explores themes of love, peer pressure, and the consequences of our choices.
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Musical Information
Musical Type: Contemporary (2014)
Cast Size: 6
Genre: Dramedy
Setting: 2010s / USA (Florida)
Creative Team
Music/Lyrics: Lin-Manuel Miranda
Cast Albums
Audition Songs: Theatre Trip
Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝
Sheet Music: Musicnotes➝
2010s, High School, One-Act, Pop, Rap, School, Small Cast, Solo Composer, Tragedy, True Story
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