Nine: Musical Info & Synopsis
Nine follows the story of Guido Contini, a renowned film director facing a midlife crisis. We follow Guido as he navigates the complex relationships with the women in his life. As Guido grapples with creative block and personal dilemmas, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Through a series of flashbacks and dream sequences, Nine explores themes of love, passion, and the complexities of artistic expression.
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Musical Information
Musical Type: Pre-Contemporary (1982)
Cast Size: 27
Genre: Drama
Setting: 1960s / Italy (Venice)
Creative Team
Music/Lyrics: Maury Yeston
Book: Arthur Kopit
Cast Albums
Original Broadway Cast (1982)➝
Original Australian Cast (1987)➝
Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝
Sheet Music: Musicnotes➝
1980s, Based on a Movie, Child Roles, Dramatic, Large Cast, One Word, Tony Award
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