Gypsy: Musical Info & Synopsis
Gypsy follows the life of Rose, a determined stage mother, and her daughters, Louise and June, as they navigate the ups and downs of show business. At the heart of the musical is Rose’s unyielding desire for her children to succeed in the entertainment world, particularly her daughter June. Gypsy is an exploration of the price of pursuing dreams, the resilience of the human spirit, and the complexities of mother-daughter relationships.
Musical Information
Musical Type: Golden Age (1959)
Cast Size: 35+
Genre: Dramedy / Semi-Biography
Setting: 1920s, 1930s / USA (Various)
Creative Team
Music: Jule Styne
Lyrics: Stephen Sondheim
Book: Arthur Laurents
Cast Albums
Original Broadway Cast (1959)➝
Audition Songs: Theatre Trip
Licensing: Concord Theatricals➝
Sheet Music: Amazon➝
1950s, Animals, Based on a Book, Biographical, Child Roles, Classic, Female Leads, Golden Age, Large Cast, One-Word, Popular, Tap Dance
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