Cry-Baby: Musical Info & Synopsis


Cry-Baby tells the story of Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker, a teenage delinquent with a heart of gold, who falls for Allison, a “square” girl from a wealthy family. The characters’ individuality and budding romance leads to a few surprises and a bit of chaos along the way. Cry-Baby explores themes of class divides, societal norms, teenage love, and rebellion.

Musical Information

Musical Type: Contemporary (2007)

Cast Size: 12+

Genre: Comedy

Setting: 1950s / USA (Massachusetts)

Creative Team

Music/Lyrics: Adam Schlesinger, David Javerbaum

Book: Mark O’Donnell, Thomas Meehan

Cast Albums

Original Studio Cast (2015)➝


Audition Songs: Theatre Trip

Licensing: Music Theatre International➝


2000s, Based on a Movie, College, ComedicRock

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